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OCU professors have article featured on the cover of the international journal Gastroenterology

Published on May 06, 2021



Professor Satoshi Uematsu*1 and Assistant Professor Kosuke Fujimoto*2 of the Department of ?Immunology and Genomics, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University, and Professor Seiya Imoto of the Division of Health Medical Intelligence, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, and their colleagues had their paper entitled "Functional Restoration of Bacteriomes and Viromes by Fecal Microbiota Transplantation" featured on the cover of the international scientific journal Gastroenterology.?

The study, published in the February 10, 2021 (press release here), showed that fecal transplantation therapy not only dramatically altered the compositional ratio and infectious relationships of disturbed intestinal bacteria and viruses, but also restored the function of the intestinal microbiota.?

?Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine / Uematsu Laboratory website


*1 Specially Appointed Professor, Division of Metagenome Medicine, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, and Specially Appointed Professor, Division of Innate Immune Regulation, International Research and Development Center for Mucosal Vaccines, The University of Tokyo
*2 Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Division of Metagenome Medicine, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, and Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Division of Innate Immune Regulation, International Research and Development Center for Mucosal Vaccines, The University of Tokyo
